Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tutor talk: additional activities in Moodle

The following points were achieved today to finalize the last part of CTTL course requirements:

  1. Added Google Course Evaluation form, through the available Google Docs templates library, using embed code on a Moodle web page. I also changed the default form theme.
  2. Embedded a course-related (Java programming) SlideShare activity also using the embed code on a Moodle web page.
  3. Linked to a Google Docs shared document for team collaboration on the Project Report. A Google Docs template was utilized for this purpose also.
  4. Created an Elgg-based social website at and linked to it on my Moodle page instructing students to create their project-group blog there. SNAGHTML3d542231

My Moodle page is now ready for the CTTL course grading!


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